Kamis, 07 April 2016

diy feather tattoo | Trauma Informed Care Training Requirements for Juvenile Probation and Supervision Officers


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The Juvenile Justice Training Academy (JJTA) has moved forward with the final steps of implementing Human Resources Code Section 221.006, created via Senate Bill 1356, which was passed during the 83rd Texas Legislative Session (2013). The statute requires all juvenile probation and supervision officers to have Trauma Informed Care training prior to certification or renewal (for existing officers).Currently, this course is required for officers to take only once.  In July 2015, the JJTA sent an email to all departments advising staff that effective September 1, 2015, all new certification requests or renewals submitted would be required to identify the Trauma Informed Care training as part of the application process.  Since Trauma Informed Care has not yet been added to the mandatory topics identified in ICIS, this training will need to be manually entered in on the Trainings Page of the Application and Diane Laffoon, Certification Officer, will be reviewing them.  If you need assistance with this, you may contact her directly at 512.490.7782 or Diane.Laffoon@tjjd.texas.gov.

TJJD’s JJTA continues to assist departments with meeting the requirements of Section 221.006 and provide adequate opportunities for departments across the state to get their staff trained.
  • If your department is utilizing the curriculum developed by TJJD, the trainer should have attended one of the Trauma Informed Care Training for Trainers offered.  We want to ensure that staff training this material are adequately trained.  TJJD has hosted a number of Trauma Informed Care Training for Trainers over the last couple of years in an effort to train as many people as possible.
  • If your department needs to get trainers qualified to teach this curriculum, TJJD has scheduled another Trauma Informed Care Training for Trainers for December 7-8, 2015.  Additional information can be found here.
  • Your department can submit a Training Technical Assistance Request or assist in coordinating a Regional Training effort in which either can contain the Trauma Informed Care Training.  To date, all of the regional trainings across the state have offered the TIC training.

How To Go About Receiving Approval For Utilizing Existing Trauma Informed Care Curriculum

Some departments have advised us that you are being approached by various companies offering their services in regards to Section 221.006 or that you were already using some form of existing curriculum. Many of these companies are offering training courses targeting verbal interventions which, while important, do not meet the intent of this bill. To clarify, the intent of Section 221.006 is to improve our approach with traumatized youth, which comprises a significant majority of the population we serve. When we approach traumatized youth with traditional or generalized approaches, we often contribute to the “trauma-incarceration-trauma cycle”. The difference is not just knowing how to de-escalate a youth in general, but recognizing the impetus of a behavior or response as trauma related. This spurs a more individualized approach. So, while one may use some of the skills learned in a verbal interventions course, staff must also  be able to acknowledge when these strategies are not appropriate and distinguish the unique relation between the behavior and the traumatic experiences and impact those experiences have had for a particular child. In addition to staff learning to recognize trauma related behaviors, a trauma informed care approach also involves helping youth recognize his/her trauma triggers and reactions and assisting them in finding alternative approaches.

The topics required by Section 221.006include:
  • The impact of trauma on childhood development;
  • The relationship between trauma and behavioral problems, including delinquency;
  • How to recognize the effects of trauma in a youth’s behavior;
  • How to respond appropriately to a traumatized youth’s reactions; and
  • How to manage stress caused by working with a traumatized population (sometimes referred to as vicarious trauma.)
In addition, the nine essential elements of Trauma Informed Care to be established in the curriculum include:
  1. Maximize the child’s sense of safety.
  2. Assist children in reducing overwhelming emotion.
  3. Help children make new meaning of their trauma history and current experiences.
  4. Address the impact of trauma and subsequent changes in the child’s behavior, development, and relationships.
  5. Coordinate services with other agencies.
  6. Utilize comprehensive assessment of the child’s trauma experiences and their impact on the child’s development and behavior to guide services.
  7. Support and promote positive and stable relationships in the life of the child.
  8. Provide support and guidance to the child’s family and caregivers.
  9. Manage professional and personal stress.
The curriculum developed by TJJD contains all of the specific elements described above, however, if your department is already training staff using another curriculum, we will need to approve the curriculum (prior to its use) to ensure that the curriculum covered will be adequate in order to meet the Section 221.006 mandate as outlined above.  Any courses not meeting information outlined above will not be approved.  If you would like to submit the curriculum for approval, please forward the request to Kristy Almager at Kristy.Almager@tjjd.texas.gov and include all related training materials for review.

Please contact Kristy Almager at 512.490.7125 or Chris Ellison at 512.490.7245 if you have any questions or would like to discuss this legislative mandate.

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diy tattoo stencil machine | Choosing a Chemical Peel


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If you ever watched Sex and the City, you may remember the episode in which Samantha got a chemical peel right before a big event. It was a funny storyline in which she tried to cover up her face to keep people from seeing the redness caused by the peel.

Well…not all chemical peels are like that! It is important to plan some downtime depending on the one you get, but here’s The Skinny on a few chemical peels and the downtime associated with each.

Stimulator Peel
About: A light combination of acids to improve rough skin texture, lighten age spots and hyperpigmentation and minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
Downtime: None
Recommendation: A series of three to four peels done every two weeks

Sensitive Skin Solution Peel
About: A light peel designed for sensitive skin that exfoliates and decongests pores while hydrating the skin
Downtime: None
Recommendation: A safe, skin brightening treatment before an event or wedding that is best performed with a dermaplaning treatment

Gel Peel
About: Gel peels encourage cell renewal and improve collagen synthesis and skin elasticity. Combined, glycolic and lactic acids work synergistically to exfoliate the skin while reducing irritation and dryness.
Downtime: None
Recommendation: Best for photo-damaged skin, rough texture, dry skin and aging skin

About: A 30 percent glycolic acid chemical peel that helps reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, laxity, dullness and acne
Downtime: Minimal
Recommendation: At least five peels done every two to three weeks

Micropeel Plus 20 or 30
About: Formulated with a combination of salicylic acid 20 or 30 percent, which refines pores and helps reduce the appearance of acne, and glycolic acid 3 percent, which aids in improvement of rough texture, blotchiness and uneven skin tone
Downtime: One week

Glow Peel Package
About: The glow includes a customized blend of Jessner’s Solution and 30 percent salicylic acid in a series of three treatments that will create a light slough of the skin and give you a desirable glow. This package includes a brightening and exfoliating cream, which will help reduce the side effects.
Downtime: Minimal
Recommendation: Three treatments done every two weeks

Pigment Balancing Peel
About: A customizable peel targeting hyperpigmentation and photo-damaged skin with the use of Vitamin C, Emblica, Glycolic 40 percent, and citric acid 10 percent
Downtime: Light to moderate peeling may occur.

Three-Step Stimulation Peel
About: An exclusive blend of acids that remove the outermost layers of skin, stimulate deeper skin layers for more profound benefits and stimulate cellular function
Downtime: Light to moderate peeling may occur
Recommendation: The peel can be repeated every four weeks.

TCA Chemical Peel
About: This is a medium-depth peel formulated with Trichloracetic acid and Jessners Solution to resurface the skin.
Downtime: One week
Recommendation: This treatment targets acne scarring, photo damage, and fine lines and wrinkles and creates cellular turnover.

All of the above peels are offered at ADSCA’s medi spa. It’s important to note that chemical peels are best performed during the winter months, as sun exposure can damage the skin after a peel. For more information, call 901-759-2322. 

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diy tattoo money jar | Making a Murderer Update 9 Did Car Crash Staged by Police Eliminate Juror 11


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Juror 11, Rick Ray has recently revealed why he left the jury: "Family emergency and Felt threatened by the father of the sheriff’s deputy [who was on the jury]. He knew I was swaying to not guilty based on the fact I wanted to review the evidence which 98% of it you saw In the documentary . The other 2 % I do not recall."

The family emergency was his daughters car crash as described here:

No one called the accident in, yet the police arrived within two minutes. From his daughter:

His daughter wouldnt comprehend the scale of what she was involved in at the time. It was a professional job, the kind the CIA pull off all of the time (Im not suggesting the CIA did this). All of the illegal framing done by the corrupt police to ensure Steven Averys guilt would have amounted to nothing if Juror 11 had found Steven not guilty. If you think this is far-fetched, then consider that another juror has just recanted the guilty verdict and confessed that it was made out of fear for their lives.

My video on this subject:

Juror 11s Recent Statemen

Click here for Update 3  - Response From Innocence Project

Click here for Update 4 - Another Suspect 

Click here for Update 5 - Lawyer Dean Strang Speaks Out

Click here for Update 6 - Suspicious Damage to Teresas Car

Click here for Update 7 - Suspicious Calls

How to Write and Send Stuff to Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey

Official Facebook Support Group For Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey

Official Donation Page
Click here for my YouTube prison videos

Click here for descriptions of all of the prisoners I write about at Jon’s Jail Journal ranging from Mafia hit men to giant transsexuals
Shaun Attwood 

Tags: steven avery, brendan dassey, ken kratz, manitowoc, len kachinsky, robert hermann, teresa halbach, jerry pagel, calumet county, jerome buting, makingamurderer, dean strang, michael okelly, mark wiegert, rob herrman, sherry culhane, jerome fox, tom fassbender, manitowoc county sheriffs office, teresa halbach, michael griesbach, the innocent killer, making a murderer  

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homemade tattoo stencil stuff | V Shaped Face Botox and Fillers


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V Shape Face ???

Hi All, so sorry for the lack of updates. Ive been so caught up with Chinese new year.
But.. i didnt put on any weight! Hehehe..!

Today im gonna share with you guys a very common question, asked by readers..
How did you slim your face??? 

The process

To answer this question, i slimmed down. You see when we loose weight, naturally the rest of our body slim down as well. So to answer your question i did get rid of the double chin myself, while loosing weight.
But is my face really that V ? Nope.. Cmon.. Photos we always angle well so to achieve a smaller face or now the IN Thing! V Shape face.

Ive been trying very hard to achieve this V shape face too. I tried many different so called "slimming face cream". So far none really work, so does give me a little tightening feel but thats it. 
As you guys know ive tried some aesthetics treatment on my body.
Which you can read it here, if you missed it..

With also some queries and discussion with my readers and Instagram followers.
Many were asking me have i consider faces aesthetics treatments.
So i went on to research and ive finally decided to give it a shot..

So as i was researching V shape face, the options that came out was either plastic surgery? where you can get a implant or aesthetics treatments, which is injection.
Chin implant is definitely not for me, as i like to support my chin when reading on bed and stuffs, what if the implant shift?!!! So i decided to try out aesthetics instead.

Some readers suggested a few good clinic for me to try and after some researching and enquiring with the clinics i decided to go ahead for NEUGLOW.

I actually emailed them to check the cost and procedures and then i was like just do it man! stop thinking!
So i set a appointment and i went!

On the actual day i was so freaking excited..When i reach there i was recieved with lots of smile. The people there were just so nice and gentle in the way they spoke. Makes me relax and at ease.

Firstly i went in for consultation and thats when i met Dr Michelle. =D
Michelle meet Dr michelle.. A very patient and gentle doctor who explained and understand all my concerns in details when i tell her..

Dr Michelle Tan
Dr Michelle

After sharing with her my concerns area and the result i wanna achieve.

Dr michelle suggested i should go for a little Botox at my both jawline and also a little filler to give me a more V shape face. **Excited!

So before, i share my experience and process. Let me share with you guys what are the treatment im planning to do.

First of all i have a chubby chubby cheeks and a little loose skin due to being too overweight last time.. So Dr Michelle recommended that i try out Botox (Botulinum) Injection. So slimming the contour and tightening my jaw shape and then she will inject a little filler into my chin to get it a more V shaped look.

So what is a Botox & Fillers Injection??

BOTOX is a simple, non-surgical treatment. It temporarily improves the look of moderate-to-severe frown lines by injecting a prescription medicine into the muscles. Nerve impulses will be blocked reducing the muscle activity that causes lines between the brows. It is most suitable for those between 18 to 65 years of age.
Facial fillers are products such as collagen, hyaluronic acid and calcium hydroxyl apatite that rejuvenate facial skin by reducing or eliminating wrinkles, raising scar depressions, enhancing lips and restoring soft-tissue volume loss through facial injections. As we age, our skin is more prone to wrinkles and starts to sag. Exposure to sun and years of muscle movement such as squinting, chewing and smiling, contribute to tissue breakdown of the skin. Facial fillers are solutions that range from temporary to long-lasting administered through a few tiny facial injections on specific areas of the face.

How are the procedure done?

The process will only take about 10-15mins.
First there will be some numbing cream applied and leave on.  Then Dr will do the injection to the designated area. Then we are done.. Fast and easy!

Are the results permanent ?

The enhanced effects are temporary lasting about 6 to 8 months. The effects vary according to individual.

So the long waited procedure is here!


Application of numbing cream

TADA!! and now we wait..

Doctor Michelle drawing the markings..
 A little botox

follow by my chine filler
followed by some molding of the shape by dr
So obvious the V ! loving it!!
immediately after injection.. The V!

loving the new look! 

Specially request from the doctor to allow me to take a pic for u guys to see the injection i used.

My Feedback.

First of all im very happy with the results, i didnt want to look very fake yet i want to see a difference.. Difficult customer right me?? haha. Dr michelle and the staffs were all very friendly and nice, i kept asking question and they were all very patient with me.. Price wise its very reasonable and affordable.
Ill give you all the contact details below later so if you guys are interested, can call them up to inquire..
Results wise was good i can see the results immediately, however the cheeks will take about another week to see full results but am loving the chin sooo much!!!Best of all i dont feel any pain at all! Their numbing cream is like superb awesome! Trust me while injecting i was commenting i dont feel any pain at all.. 
So you all more of my photos after a few days.. no editing at all...

Before                                               After

V V V V V all the VVV 
Dont you all just love it????

Ill be going back for review in a few weeks time.. Keep you guys updated of the results.
Any question you can either call the clinic or you wanna ask more about my experience you can leave a comment on my instagram or email me...

NeuGlow Novena Medical Center
10 Sinaran Drive, #10-35
Singapore 307506
Tel: +65 6397 2552

NeuGlow TripleOne Somerset
111 Somerset Road, #02-01/02
Singapore 238164
Tel: +65 6536 3636

Peace Out !! Love, MichXoxo

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homemade tattoo machine video | Which Facial Treatments Really Work Part 2 The Best From The Rest


homemade tattoo machine video

This post is part two of my two-part post on facial treatments that really work. Read part one here, to read more about the supposed and actual benefits of treatments such as gold, diamond, snail mucus, bee venom and caviar.

This post at beautyeditor.ca discusses why spa facial treatments are not really good for your skin. This New York Times article also explains why dermatologists don't recommend facials for optimal skin health and beauty. This article quotes Professor of Dermatology, Doris Day, MD about spa facials: "I call it 'spa science' because there isn't a lot of science behind many of the claims." She further adds,"Think of a facial as a treat rather than a medical treatment." Good at-home daily facial care can preclude the need for costly facial treatments. 

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diy tattoo machine power supply | Shaun Attwood on Dark City Radio Locked Up Abroad


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Click here for descriptions of all of the prisoners I write about at Jon’s Jail Journal ranging from Mafia hit men to giant transsexuals.
Shaun Attwood  

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diy tattoo how to | Before and Mid After


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Here is a before shot and a "mid" after shot. I have quite a few more treatments but the results so far are pretty amazing!

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Rabu, 06 April 2016

homemade tattoo gun power supply | Body Contouring Newest Technologies for Getting The Body You Want


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Body contouring is of huge concern to many people, old or young, fit or unfit, and the growing trend is for less invasive, low risk treatments with proven efficacy. Even as economies around the world tighten their belts, our physical waistlines are getting bigger. In Asia, there has been a steady growth in the body shaping and tightening market. While not a replacement for diet and exercise, body contouring treatments are an effective way to spot treat problem areas such as abdomen, back, hips, thighs and upper arms. Some equipment are also approved for double chin areas.

Non-invasive body contouring treatments generally work by the application of some sort of energy, such as radiofrequency (RF) or ultrasound, to disrupt or destroy fat cells that are then flushed out through the bodys waste drainage system. Results are rarely immediate as the bodys elimination process can take up to six weeks. Best results are also seen with repeated treatments, as each session is designed to target only a certain percentage of the fatty layer to prevent accidental damage to other areas of the body. Most treatments are quick, relatively painless and require no downtime, which are all factors contributing to their popularity. 

Here is a list of some of the latest treatments and modalities available, as well as a general picture of how the treatment is conducted. Bear in mind that best results are seen when used in combination with proper diet and exercise, and that results are generally modest compared to liposuction. Fat loss from these treatments are generally permanent with dietary moderation. The best canididates for non-invasive body contouring treatments are those who have a BMI less than 30, are generally fit, but with unwanted pockets of fat.

MedContour / Vaser Shape
MedContour (Vaser Shape MC1 is the name used in the US) uses external ultrasound to target cellulite and localized fatty deposits, and combines it with a massage therapy for lipo drainage and boosting the metabolism.
The machine uses two angled transducer heads to shoot two beams of modulated energy through the skin. Each beam is harmless, but when they meet, the combined energy heats up the targeted area, causing fat cells to vibrate and be destroyed. The treatment is akin to warm massage. The lymphatic massage is delivery using a separate suction applicator, and is a quick and painless adjunct to the treatment.
Typical treatment time is 60 to 90 minutes, and the treatment can be repeated every week. A minimum of four treatments are recommended to see lasting results, with up to three centimetres lost after every procedure.

Before                                                               After

Coolsculpting by Zeltiq
Zeltiq is a US FDA-approved cryolypolisis treatment. Based on research done in the USA on the effect of cooling on fat, Coolsculpting essentially freezes the fat cells, causing them to die and be eliminated from the body.
Every session typically eliminates 20-22% of the fatty deposit and takes one hour per area. During the session a suction cup is placed over the fatty deposit, the fleshy area is vacuum suctioned into the cup and a sustained cooling procedure is applied. The actual treatment process is very comfortable, with most patients experiencing some minor discomfort when the machine is removed. Most people compare this discomfort to the feeling of pins and needles that occur when you remove your hand from a bowl of ice-cold water.
The treated area can feel numb for several days after the procedure, and a repeat treatment can be done two months later. Results are generally seen by the first month after the first treatment, with up to three treatments recommended depending on the amount of fat
Before                                                                                       After -

Zerona Laser
Zerona Laser is a cold laser is that US FDA-approved for loss of inches from the waist, hips and thighs. This technology was proven to create a pore in fat cells to drain away the fatty contents while doing no harm to the surrounding capillaries and organs. The body then removes the drained fat by the natural detoxification process. The process does not employ any heat, so discomfort levels are very minimal, and clinical studies have shown an average of 3 - 9 inches lost per six treatment cycle.
Each treatment involves a cold laser being projected onto the abdomen, hip and thigh areas for 20 minutes on the front, and 20 minutes on the back. The treatment must be repeated every 48 hours for maximum results, and a minimum of six sessions are given within a two week time frame.
A dietary supplement known as Curva is given in conjunction with the Zerona treatment to enhance the lymphatic drainage effects of the procedure.

Before                                                                                    After

UltraShape uses pulsed focus ultrasound and vacuum-assisted radio frequency technologies to target and shrink localised fat deposits for a reduced body circumference and improved body shape.
The one hour treatment involves an extensive preparation in which the target area is measured, marked and surrounding areas covered with protective sheets. During the treatment, focused pulses of ultrasound are directed all over the targeted area, and energy levels are adjusted to maximize comfort of the patient. The ultrasound pulses destroy fat cells, while selectively prevents harm to surrounding vessels, tissues and cells. After the ultrasound treatment, the vacuum radio frequency head is applied briefly to assist in the drainage of the destroyed fat.
A minimum of three treatments given two weeks apart are recommended for proper results, and an average of a 4cm circumference reduction has been demonstrated after three treatments.

Before                                                     After

LipoSonix is the newest player in the body contouring market, and employs a high-intensity focused ultrasound methodology to disrupt subcutaneous fat. This US FDA-approved treatment delivers precise and consistent thermal energy to the targeted areas, and energy levels are adjusted to suit patient needs. The advantage of this treatment is that even areas with smaller or harder fat deposits that are hard to treat with other procedures are treatable with LipoSonix.
The one hour treatment session involves positioning of the energy transducer head on marked treatment areas and a mild warmth or tingling sensation can be felt as the ultrasound waves are delivered, heating fat cells to 56 degrees celcius to ensure their destruction.
Each single procedure promises an average of a one-inch circumference loss, and full results can be seen in eight to twelve weeks after the body has had time to process and eliminate the destroyed fat.

Before                                                             After

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