Kamis, 07 April 2016

diy tattoo stencil machine | Choosing a Chemical Peel


diy tattoo stencil machine

If you ever watched Sex and the City, you may remember the episode in which Samantha got a chemical peel right before a big event. It was a funny storyline in which she tried to cover up her face to keep people from seeing the redness caused by the peel.

Well…not all chemical peels are like that! It is important to plan some downtime depending on the one you get, but here’s The Skinny on a few chemical peels and the downtime associated with each.

Stimulator Peel
About: A light combination of acids to improve rough skin texture, lighten age spots and hyperpigmentation and minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
Downtime: None
Recommendation: A series of three to four peels done every two weeks

Sensitive Skin Solution Peel
About: A light peel designed for sensitive skin that exfoliates and decongests pores while hydrating the skin
Downtime: None
Recommendation: A safe, skin brightening treatment before an event or wedding that is best performed with a dermaplaning treatment

Gel Peel
About: Gel peels encourage cell renewal and improve collagen synthesis and skin elasticity. Combined, glycolic and lactic acids work synergistically to exfoliate the skin while reducing irritation and dryness.
Downtime: None
Recommendation: Best for photo-damaged skin, rough texture, dry skin and aging skin

About: A 30 percent glycolic acid chemical peel that helps reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, laxity, dullness and acne
Downtime: Minimal
Recommendation: At least five peels done every two to three weeks

Micropeel Plus 20 or 30
About: Formulated with a combination of salicylic acid 20 or 30 percent, which refines pores and helps reduce the appearance of acne, and glycolic acid 3 percent, which aids in improvement of rough texture, blotchiness and uneven skin tone
Downtime: One week

Glow Peel Package
About: The glow includes a customized blend of Jessner’s Solution and 30 percent salicylic acid in a series of three treatments that will create a light slough of the skin and give you a desirable glow. This package includes a brightening and exfoliating cream, which will help reduce the side effects.
Downtime: Minimal
Recommendation: Three treatments done every two weeks

Pigment Balancing Peel
About: A customizable peel targeting hyperpigmentation and photo-damaged skin with the use of Vitamin C, Emblica, Glycolic 40 percent, and citric acid 10 percent
Downtime: Light to moderate peeling may occur.

Three-Step Stimulation Peel
About: An exclusive blend of acids that remove the outermost layers of skin, stimulate deeper skin layers for more profound benefits and stimulate cellular function
Downtime: Light to moderate peeling may occur
Recommendation: The peel can be repeated every four weeks.

TCA Chemical Peel
About: This is a medium-depth peel formulated with Trichloracetic acid and Jessners Solution to resurface the skin.
Downtime: One week
Recommendation: This treatment targets acne scarring, photo damage, and fine lines and wrinkles and creates cellular turnover.

All of the above peels are offered at ADSCA’s medi spa. It’s important to note that chemical peels are best performed during the winter months, as sun exposure can damage the skin after a peel. For more information, call 901-759-2322. 

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