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Teams of police spent eight days searching the Avery property for Teresas DNA. Violent torture and rape produces bodily fluids that splatter everywhere. Its impossible for amateurs to clean up that biological material, yet after eight days, all that the teams found was deer blood. If Teresa had been raped, the sheets and mattress would have been contaminated with bodily fluids none of which were found. Kratzs claim that Steven and Brendan used bleach to clean the scene up is ludicrous. It was based on bleach allegedly found on Brendans jeans. How many of us as kids bleached our jeans or how many of our parents used washing powder and bleach to clean our clothes? If they had cleaned the scene so perfectly with bleach, then there would have been no traces left of deer blood. Supposedly the crushed bullet in Averys home had Teresas DNA on it, but no blood on it, indicating that her DNA may have been planted on it by rubbing the bullet against clothes she had worn, which would have contained skin DNA. The lack of DNA evidence would have caused most rational-minded police departments to start looking elsewhere for a crime scene, but in Manitowoc, when the evidence doesnt fit their agenda, they plant it, especially when $36 million are on the line.
Juror 11s Recent Statement
Click here for Update 3 - Response From Innocence Project
Click here for Update 4 - Another Suspect
Click here for Update 5 - Lawyer Dean Strang Speaks Out
Click here for Update 6 - Suspicious Damage to Teresas Car
How to Write and Send Stuff to Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey
Official Facebook Support Group For Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey
Official Donation Page
Click here for my YouTube prison videos
Click here for descriptions of all of the prisoners I write about at Jons Jail Journal ranging from Mafia hit men to giant transsexuals
Shaun Attwood
Tags: steven avery, brendan dassey, ken kratz, manitowoc, len kachinsky, robert hermann, teresa halbach, jerry pagel, calumet county, jerome buting, makingamurderer, dean strang, michael okelly, mark wiegert, rob herrman, sherry culhane, jerome fox, tom fassbender, manitowoc county sheriffs office, teresa halbach, michael griesbach, the innocent killer, making a murdere
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