Rabu, 24 Februari 2016

diy tattoo eyebrows | Tips to protect your teens during the holidays


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Nationwide, about 5,000 teens die each year as a result of underage drinking, including from motor vehicle crashes, alcohol poisoning, and unintentional injuries.

Bruno said teens who learn about the risks of drugs and alcohol at home are up to 50% less likely to use substances.

The eight tips:

  • Make time to talk:  While the holiday season is a time for young people to meet up with old friends, it is also a time to connect with family. Talk to your teen or young adult child about the risks of underage drinking and drug use, while encouraging him or her to spend quality time with both family and friends.
  • Don’t relax your rules just because it’s the holiday season:  Teens still need limits and close monitoring. Expectations may need to be re-negotiated or reiterated for college students returning home.
  • Ensure alcohol won’t be served at parties your teen attends:  Check in with the parents of your teen’s friends, even though this may be unpopular with your son or daughter. Also, be available to provide a ride home if something unexpected happens.
  • Be aware that unsupervised teens are at risk for alcohol use:  If you leave home for a night of celebration, unsupervised teens may get into your liquor cabinet. Be sure to lock alcohol up and set expectations for having friends over. If possible, have another adult stop by to check in with your child.
  • Supervise your own parties:  If you host adult parties in your home and plan to serve alcohol, keep a clear head so that you can supervise any teens who may be present. Make sure that you or another adult is monitoring the situation and keeping an eye on both the alcohol and teens at the party.
  • Be sure to lock your medicine cabinet:  Alcohol isn’t the only substance that is easily accessible to teens. Prescription drug abuse among teens is growing rapidly so it is important to keep your medicines locked away, whether you are hosting a party or leavin
    g your house unattended.
  • Be a good role model:  Show your kids that you know your own limits, always designate a driver and never let someone drive away from your home intoxicated.
  • Remember the law:  Remind yourself and your teens that there is a social host law in Connecticut that prohibits any youth or adult from allowing underage access to alcohol.Nationwide, about 5,000 teens die each year as a result of underage drinking, including from motor vehicle crashes, alcohol poisoning, and unintentional injuries.

Source: Shelton Herald 

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