Kamis, 25 Februari 2016

homemade tattoo stencil stay | Sharing our experiences


homemade tattoo stencil stay

If anyone following my blog would like to post about their ongoing treatment, please do. Id love to hear how things are progressing for you.
Id be interested to know what colours are responding/not responding.
For me -

  • red and black (and a small amount of orange I have) are responding well
  • green, blue and pink are fading, but proving harder to shift
  • yellow, well, the laser is not supposed to touch yellow, but it often goes of its own accord and the tiny bit I have has almost gone!

Do you find information about homemade tattoo stencil stay are you looking for? If not, below may help you find more information about the homemade tattoo stencil stay. Thank you for visiting, have a great day.

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