Senin, 28 Maret 2016

diy tattoo transfer paper | The Taster Session


diy tattoo transfer paper

After deciding that I was going to start the ball rolling, I booked a taster session. I was very nervous about going, as I had no idea what to expect with regard to the pain or what the area would be like afterwards. When the laser hit my skin, it was a strange sensation. Some have described it like an elastic band being flicked at your skin or a splash of fat from a frying pan. Both are very good descriptions. I have quite a high pain threshold and the pain from the laser was not bad at first. However, after not long, the pain and the popping of the laser suddenly got to me and I could feel myself beginning to go a bit waffy. I was brought a drink of water and some cool pads put on my wrists and back of my neck, to cool me down. The process was started again, but I soon felt waffy again and it was decided that no more should be done that day. I felt a total wimp and was annoyed at myself. The staff was very nice about it and very caring.
Anyway, I now knew what it was like and decided to search on the internet for any advice others might be able to give; did not find much, but found out about anaesthetic gels and creams.

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