diy tattoo gun
Aftercare is VERY important after laser treatment, to avoid infection or scarring. Different clinics and studios offer different aftercare advice, with regard to what creams to use, etc.I was advised to spread 99% Aloe Vera gel thinly over the treated area 4-5 times a day for the first week, then 2-3 times a day for at least two more weeks. The treated area is not to be rubbed or scrubbed, but rinsed and gently wiped after a bath/shower. The area must not be picked or scratched, as this may cause scarring. Also, the area must not be exposed to the sun, to sunbeds or to spray/fake tan and you must not go swimming for up to 4 weeks after treatment. As I mentioned, different studios/clinics have different advice and this is just the advice that I, personally, was given.
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