diy temporary tattoo stencil
Well, my last lasering session was back in June. Hubby was at work and had the car, so I cycled down on my bike. I was very hot when I got there and, subsequently, I ended up with quite big blisters on the peacock (the other two were not too bad). I made the mistake of not protecting the area when I went to bed and the blisters burst. The area was very sore and took a long time to heal. You can still, even now, see where the blisters were. We live and learn. In future, I will always make sure I go for my sessions in the car; that way, I will not be arriving hot and sweaty and will not get the blistering I did.
My next session is tomorrow, over three months since my last one. It has been a busy and expensive summer, so my lasering was put on hold. I am really ready to get going with it again.
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