Minggu, 09 Desember 2018

Picosure Tattoo Removal Lawsuit


The truth behind the picosure lawsuit cynosure is the company behind the marketing and selling of the tattoo removal machine called picosure. the company began offering the machine for sale in 2012 when it was approved by the united states food and drug administration.. The complaint states cynosure marketing materials represented the picosure as “the world’s first and only picosecond laser for tattoo removal,” and “even dark, stubborn blue and green inks, as well as previously-treated, recalcitrant tattoos can be removed or eliminated by using the picosure product.”. Cynosure picosure class action lawsuit conclusion. when comparing the quanta q plus c vs picosure laser for tattoo removal, it’s fair to say that the quanta is far superior in more ways than one..

Picosure tattoo removal in new york city world’s most advanced technology for tattoo removal picosure is the world’s first picosecond laser for the effective removal of tattoos.. The lawsuit alleges that picosure does not effectively remove tattoo ink from some patients, and that it was completely unable to do the job for which it was designed, manufactured, and marketed. trinity vs. picosure – how does the picosure tattoo removal compare?. Picosure is the world’s first picosecond laser and the only advanced tattoo removal laser with pressurewave technology, which works with your body to remove unwanted ink. picosure delivers laser energy that specifically targets tattoo ink, resulting in the successful shattering of just the ink particles without harming the surrounding tissue..

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